Estados Unidos Citas hombre discapacitado - Washington, District of Columbia - mikewillie

mikewillie tiene 49 años, hombre solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Washington, Estados Unidos.
mikewillie quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Washington - Estados Unidos
I am seeking a companion for relationship and spiritual connection.I’m an easy going person and am looking for the same in my partner. I expect that you do your best always. I believe that life is not about winning but about playing smart and hard. I am a risk taker and engage myself in challenging work to make the world a better place. When I love, I love with all my heart and soul. My love is faithful and humorous. I am honest and believe that honesty is the best solution. I am strong enough,
Lo que espero del otro
would love to meet a christian woman or someone that would need to convert. A woman with values and knows what she needs in life. I prefer a woman with green, blue, cat's eye, grey eyes. A clear looking woman with long blonde hair or wavy. A woman with good busts and butts. A humble and easy spoken lady who cares about her health as mine. Looking for until death thou shall us part mind set.

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