Stati Uniti d'America Donna disabile Incontri - Kansas City, Missouri - cookv17

cookv17 ha 33 anni, donna single dall'Stati Uniti d'America e vive in Kansas City, Stati Uniti d'America.
cookv17 vorrebbe chiacchierare con un uomo assomiglia a lui.
Kansas City - Stati Uniti d'America
am far from perfect and have made my share of mistakes in my life. Today I am bearing God's fruit and walking in His will for my life I studied in In University of PRETORIA Here in South Africa I have no fav Music but prefer easy listening; my best color is pink the tropics or ocean into my future again permanently I love to Dance. I laugh when tickled and will tickle back; enjoy giving/receiving massages, and brushing your hair. I am professionally employed, affable, sensitive, dislike drama
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
A friendship that is uninhibited and pure fun is what i'm about. Locations, settings and chemistry that will arouse all your senses and moments shared that cross your mind a week later while at the office. Putting a smile on your face while wondering when it's possible to feel like that again is the sensation I aim to leave you with. I want a man that I can trust without question and who can trust me the same. A man whose loves me for my heart and soul.

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