Verenigde Staten Gehandicapte vrouw daten - Kansas City, Missouri - cookv17

cookv17 is 33 jaar oud, vrouw single uit Verenigde Staten en woont in Kansas City, Verenigde Staten.
cookv17 Emile wil graag chatten met een manwie op hem lijkt.
Kansas City - Verenigde Staten
am far from perfect and have made my share of mistakes in my life. Today I am bearing God's fruit and walking in His will for my life I studied in In University of PRETORIA Here in South Africa I have no fav Music but prefer easy listening; my best color is pink the tropics or ocean into my future again permanently I love to Dance. I laugh when tickled and will tickle back; enjoy giving/receiving massages, and brushing your hair. I am professionally employed, affable, sensitive, dislike drama
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
A friendship that is uninhibited and pure fun is what i'm about. Locations, settings and chemistry that will arouse all your senses and moments shared that cross your mind a week later while at the office. Putting a smile on your face while wondering when it's possible to feel like that again is the sensation I aim to leave you with. I want a man that I can trust without question and who can trust me the same. A man whose loves me for my heart and soul.

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