The recent public activities
1 hrszjoue85 created an account
5 hrsbandolais made updates to his/her profile information
7 hrsmoimeme75 made updates to his/her profile information
7 hrsmoimeme75 created an account
7 hrscath4455 has uploaded a new profile picture
7 hrscath4455 created an iPhone account
8 hrscath4533 created an iPhone account
8 hrscath45 created an iPhone account
8 hrseric59420 made updates to his/her profile information
9 hrsclemclem has uploaded a new profile picture
9 hrsclemclem created an Android account
10 hrshelenedal created an account
12 hrsguiguilove has uploaded a new profile picture
12 hrsagatheyouu is now friend with gokhlayeh31
12 hrsgokhlayeh31 is now friend with agatheyouu
12 hrsagatheyouu made updates to his/her profile information (mobile app)
12 hrsguiguilove is now friend with agatheyouu
12 hrsagatheyouu is now friend with guiguilove
12 hrsguiguilove created an Android account
13 hrsagatheyouu has uploaded a new profile picture
13 hrsagatheyouu created an iPhone account
13 hrseric59420 created an Android account
14 hrsDominique00 is now friend with patrice29
14 hrspatrice29 is now friend with Dominique00
14 hrsjerome1979 made updates to his/her profile information
14 hrsDominique00 is now friend with bisounours
14 hrsbisounours is now friend with Dominique00
Yesterdaykamalk created an account
Yesterdayjeflg made updates to his/her profile information
Yesterdayleblet49 is now friend with BrigitteSmith12
YesterdayDominique00 is now friend with leblet49
Yesterdayleblet49 is now friend with Dominique00
Yesterdayjeflg created an account